Stewardess + Poolparty Geschichten

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Beitragvon RalucaV » 16.03.2007, 01:56

Jetzt sage ich mich wirklich ob es lohnt sich beruhmt zu sein. Normale manner machen das jeden tag, dass sie mit jemandem "nur so" schlafen und es passiert nichts, leben geht weiter fur beide. Und Ralph kann es endlich auch machen nach 10 Jahre Ehe und 10 Jahre mit Fran und immer ein skandal davon entsteht.

Ich kenne ihn nicht personlich (und ich wurde es sehr gern erheben 8) ) und so kann ich nicht sagen ob er wirklich ein "sex addict" ist oder nicht, aber es muss sowieso schrecklich fur ihn sein so in der presse zu sein. Hallo? Diese Lisa hat ihnen fast alles gesagt ausser lange und breite seines bambis....(naja, es war mein geheimliches wunsch, dass sie mehr details sagt, aber sie hat mir genug details fur diesmal gegeben...vielleicht am nachsten Februar) :badgrin:
I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your main connection to the switchboard of the souls...
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
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Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 16.03.2007, 22:27

Wenigstens hat sie gesagt, dass er "well endowed" ist. Jetzt können wir unserer Phantasie freien Lauf lassen. :badgrin:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 16.03.2007, 23:38

also mal ehrlich, diese frau langweilt mich einfach nur noch. was versucht sie denn noch alles um irgendwie in den medien zu bleiben? dieses rumgeheule ist wirklich erbärmlich. gebe dir da vollkommen recht, wild harp.

@"well endowed"
gebe euch auch hier vollkommen recht, über nate zu diskutieren ist tausendmal interessanter :D
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 17.03.2007, 21:44

...über nate zu diskutieren ist tausendmal interessanter :D

Nate mal persönlich begutachten zu können, wär' natürlich noch interessanter. Aber über "ihn" zu diskutieren macht auch Spaß. :jaja:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 18.03.2007, 21:44

Sie hat's jetzt zugegeben (die Bordell-Geschichte). ... 21,00.html

Fiennes' hostess was an escort
ByMarnie O'Neill
March 18, 2007 12:00

THE flight attendant who was sacked for her onboard tryst with star Ralph Fiennes has admitted to earning up to $2000 a night working as a high-class Sydney prostitute.

Rumours about Lisa Robertson's troubled past have forced her to admit she worked at the brothel Stiletto because she was struggling to pay the rent when she worked part-time for Qantas.

Ms Robertson, 38, has told The Sunday Telegraph about her past after being approached by media outlets around the world.

She was not paid for this interview.

She said her decision to turn to prostitution was linked to her lifelong battle with mental illness, including suicidal tendencies and depression, was exacerbated by her 14 years as an undercover police officer.

Ms Robertson also admitted she took one shift at another brothel immediately after Qantas suspended her for having sex with movie star Fiennes in a business-class toilet on a flight from Darwin to Mumbai in late January.

"After I got (suspended) because of the Ralph Fiennes incident, I worked one night a week at The Gateway Club under the name of Skye,'' she said.

"I did one night's work because I couldn't pay the rent and I was too proud to ask anyone for money. I earned $800 that night and then, two days later, the story broke (in The Sunday Telegraph).''

She was later sacked by Qantas after admitting the sexual encounter took place.

Ms Robertson's first experience of the sex industry took place when she was subcontracted by agency Jetconnect to work for Qantas in New Zealand in 2005.

"One day I got home (from a long-haul flight) and my phone's cut off, the electricity's cut off, the car battery's flat, I had all these bills to pay and no money to pay them,'' she said.

"When I was working undercover I had to pretend to be a prostitute so I found I could detach myself from the reality and treat it like a role. The mind is a very powerful thing and I thought if I could do undercover work I could do anything.''

She was earning just $NZ29,000 ($25,414) per year working on exhausting long-haul flights.

"It was a brothel called the Pelican Club and I went for an interview. It was the freakiest experience - sort of like a little experiment for me.

"I did the orientation and I was told what to do and what the service was and it didn't shock me; it was what I expected - I'm not stupid.

"There was no pressure, they were really good people and you didn't have to do anything you didn't want to.''

Working under the name Kendall, she earned between $NZ500 and $NZ600 per night - much less than she would later earn in Sydney.

Her first client in New Zealand was a wealthy businessman who paid her $NZ1000 to have dinner with him and later flew her to New York for several days.

Ms Robertson moved to Sydney last year and began working at Stiletto, the infamous Camperdown brothel owned by racing identity Eddie Hayson, where she also worked under the name Kendall earning up to $2000 a night.

However, she was eventually sacked after she was caught getting into a taxi with a client early one morning after work.

Ms Robertson said the professional problems she faced were often linked to her troubled personal life.

Speaking from her Hunter Valley hideaway, provided to her by magazine Marie Claire, she said her battle with mental illness began when she watched a fellow police graduate die after she was accidentally shot by a colleague.

She said: "There came a period of time that I decided to take my own life. I took 200 pills and drank a couple of bottles of Dom Perignon - so I did it in style. My boyfriend at the time called me and I was incoherent. I remember cutting my arm and I remember my choice that night to die and I went to sleep dressed in the clothes I wanted to be buried in.

"I left notes to Mum and Dad, my brothers and my dog and my parrot, who are now both deceased. I was quite sure that my decision was the right one.''

She woke up in an Auckland hospital the next day and had her stomach pumped.

Marie Claire was planning a major feature on Ms Robertson and provided luxury accommodation in return for her co-operation.

However, Ms Robertson is not able to pocket the money after being declared bankrupt when she racked up $500,000 in legal bills after losing a negligence case against the police force.

It is believed that Marie Claire's editor Jackie Frank has pulled the story in light of today's revelations.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 18.03.2007, 21:46

However, she was eventually sacked after she was caught getting into a taxi with a client early one morning after work.

Hat sie damals auch so ein Aufhebens darum gemacht??? Wahrscheinlich, nicht es war ja nicht Ralph Fiennes. :doubt:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 19.03.2007, 00:27

dazu sage ich nur, IQ von einem toastbrot. die funktioniert nach dem strickmuster: erstmal alles dementieren und entsetzt tun und dann alles zu geben. (die details gibts dann erst bei bezahlung) :blödsinn:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 19.03.2007, 23:08

Ich dachte damals, Singmaschine ist unterste Schublade, aber wie man kann immer noch weiter runter gehen.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 20.03.2007, 03:25

er sollte sich wohl ab jetzt lieber immer den aktuellen kontoauszug zeigen lassen und prüfen ob die "auserwählte" keine geldsorgen hat. :badgrin:

btw ... gibts eigentlich eine internationale schufa-auskunft? die nummer sollte er sich dann mal ins handy speichern :lol:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 20.03.2007, 14:14

"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Teen Spirit » 25.03.2007, 20:37

huy ich hab doch eine geniale SMS bekommen ... stammt von nem Kumpel von mir

herzlichen glückwunsch! Sie haben ein treffen mit Ralph fiennes gewonnen. Senden Sie 1000 Euro an M. und verstecken Sie sich in einer Flugzeugtoilette!"

ist daas net der Knaller?
Teen Spirit
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
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Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.03.2007, 20:47

"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 26.04.2007, 12:41

es geht weiter :rofl:

New Qantas toilet low for Ralph
By Sydney Confidential

April 26, 2007 12:00

THE humble john has been given a new name - the "Ralph'' by Qantas staff, following that mid-air sex romp in the loo involving actor Ralph Fiennes and Aussie hostie Lisa Robertson.

Confidential's spies in the sky say the staff have renamed the tiny cubicle in honour of the star.

Trolley dollies on a Sydney-Los Angeles flight were apparently tittering about the new name this week, says reporter Nicolette Burke.

It follows word the toilet where the liaison took place has become a tourist attraction, with passengers posing for photos on board.

Meanwhile, Lisa has become a prop, literally, for tawdry toilet humour on Nine's AFL Footy Show.

It's painful and pathetic TV as Sam Newman attempts to simulate Fienne's mile-high moment firstly with a mannequin and then a midget.

Newman is ultimately unable to get his "bonk". But our blogger says he should get a "boning".



touristenattraktion? menno, ich will auch so ein foto :crackup:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon Marry » 26.04.2007, 13:35

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:es geht weiter :rofl:

New Qantas toilet low for Ralph
By Sydney Confidential

April 26, 2007 12:00

THE humble john has been given a new name - the "Ralph'' by Qantas staff, following that mid-air sex romp in the loo involving actor Ralph Fiennes and Aussie hostie Lisa Robertson.

Confidential's spies in the sky say the staff have renamed the tiny cubicle in honour of the star.

Trolley dollies on a Sydney-Los Angeles flight were apparently tittering about the new name this week, says reporter Nicolette Burke.

It follows word the toilet where the liaison took place has become a tourist attraction, with passengers posing for photos on board.

Meanwhile, Lisa has become a prop, literally, for tawdry toilet humour on Nine's AFL Footy Show.

It's painful and pathetic TV as Sam Newman attempts to simulate Fienne's mile-high moment firstly with a mannequin and then a midget.

Newman is ultimately unable to get his "bonk". But our blogger says he should get a "boning".



touristenattraktion? menno, ich will auch so ein foto :crackup:

Ach nee,warst du auf der Hompage vom Daily musst du eine Seite weiter gehen...da ist ein video von YouTube...dort zeigen sie wie er in einer FernsehShow durch den Dreck gezogen wird wegen der Klo Affaire...

SAUERREI.....Es reicht ja wir kennen es ja ...wer den Schaden hat,braucht für den Spot nicht zu sorgen.. :doubt: :evil:
The Sunshine in my Life
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
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Registriert: 12.03.07
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Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 26.04.2007, 18:39

das youtube-video hatte ich gesehen, habs aber nicht gepostet. es ist zwar lustig, weil der typ sich äußerst dämlich anstellt und zum schreck des publikums auch noch die hüllen fallen lässt, aber da es auf ralph bezogen ist, ist es irgendwie unterste schublade :blödsinn:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06


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