Stewardess + Poolparty Geschichten

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Beitragvon AmonFan » 13.02.2007, 18:25

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:
Anja hat geschrieben:ich hätte ein vorschlag für ein neues computerspiel-es heißt-"amouröser verkehr über den wolken"
klingt nach traumschiff- und schwarzwaldklinik-charme :lol:

man muß so lange auf ralph klicken,bis er es schafft der spielfigur hinterherzurennen und die klotür aufzubekommen-dann hat man gewonnen :!:

ich hätte auch noch einen vorschlag, die 18er version: "snake on a plane". da muss man ralph helfen, soviele weibliche passagiere wie möglich zu beglücken. für stewardessen gibts bonuspunkte. aufmüpfisches männliches bordpersonal, sowie alte neidische greiße, die der mission im wege stehen, müssen elemeniert werden. das spiel zeichnet sich durch eine ausgezeichnete, detailierte grafik und viele verschiedene flugstrecken rund um den globus aus. stundenlanger spielspaß garantiert. :-)

uihui ihr seit ja richtig kreativ was das spiel angeht....kann zufälliger weise jemand solch ein spiel vll jemand spielemacher?? wenn ja bitte jetzt outen!! ;)
Hinweis: Falls in gewissen Gesprächsrunden einfach mal der Sinn fehlt, dann war es der Edit-Button!!!!
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 4675
Registriert: 10.02.06
Wohnort: Germany

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 13.02.2007, 20:00

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:
Anja hat geschrieben:ich hätte ein vorschlag für ein neues computerspiel-es heißt-"amouröser verkehr über den wolken"
klingt nach traumschiff- und schwarzwaldklinik-charme :lol:

man muß so lange auf ralph klicken,bis er es schafft der spielfigur hinterherzurennen und die klotür aufzubekommen-dann hat man gewonnen :!:

ich hätte auch noch einen vorschlag, die 18er version: "snake on a plane". da muss man ralph helfen, soviele weibliche passagiere wie möglich zu beglücken. für stewardessen gibts bonuspunkte. aufmüpfisches männliches bordpersonal, sowie alte neidische greiße, die der mission im wege stehen, müssen elemeniert werden. das spiel zeichnet sich durch eine ausgezeichnete, detailierte grafik und viele verschiedene flugstrecken rund um den globus aus. stundenlanger spielspaß garantiert. :-)

"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Teen Spirit » 13.02.2007, 21:18

fands voll faszinierend. Das stand bei uns sogar heute in der zeitung.
Ts schande über ralph!
Teen Spirit
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
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Beitragvon Anja » 14.02.2007, 09:44

ich hätte auch noch einen vorschlag, die 18er version: "snake on a plane". da muss man ralph helfen, soviele weibliche passagiere wie möglich zu beglücken. für stewardessen gibts bonuspunkte. aufmüpfisches männliches bordpersonal, sowie alte neidische greiße, die der mission im wege stehen, müssen elemeniert werden. das spiel zeichnet sich durch eine ausgezeichnete, detailierte grafik und viele verschiedene flugstrecken rund um den globus aus. stundenlanger spielspaß garantiert. :-)[/quote]

uihui ihr seit ja richtig kreativ was das spiel angeht....kann zufälliger weise jemand solch ein spiel vll jemand spielemacher?? wenn ja bitte jetzt outen!! ;)[/quote]
oh..das ist ja schon eine hyperversion von "amourös über den wolken -snake on a plane" man sieht ihr kennt euch in der computerspielbranche eindeutig aus-ich sehe schon den digitalisierten ralph..rennen.. :lol:
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
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Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 14.02.2007, 22:42

Die Gala hat die story jetzt auch auf ihrer Internetseite:

Mich stört allerdings, dass die ihn als allein Schuldigen darstellen, und sie als das arme Opfer. Die ganze Art, wie sie sich verhalten hat, war ja wohl eine eindeutige Einladung, oder?? Ich meine, normalerweise entschuldigt man sich einfach und sagt "Bin gleich wieder da", oder irgendwas ähnliches, und nicht "Ich gehe jetzt auf die Toilette" (= "Ich gehe jetzt aufs Klo...kommst Du mit???"). Dann lässt sie auch noch die Tür unverschlossen, und hinterher beschwert sie sich, dass er hinterherkommt.

Das alles ist nur ein schwacher Versuch ihren Job zu retten, wenn Ihr mich fragt. :doubt:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 15.02.2007, 01:25

Endlich ein Bild von ihr:,22049,21226727-5006009,00.html

Sie hat also Schulden. Interessant. Jetzt kennen wir auch den Grund, warum die Geschichte an die Presse gegangen ist. Die Dame braucht Geld.

There was no sign of the actor at his London home yesterday.

Ob er schon ein neues Haus hat? Das lässt die Sirin Geschichte auch in einem anderen Licht erscheinen. Sie ist ja "interieur designer". Vielleicht hat sie ihm nur geholfen, sein Haus einzurichten?
Zuletzt geändert von The Wild Harp am 15.02.2007, 01:28, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 15.02.2007, 01:27

Ein Artikel darüber, was er noch so in Sydney getrieben hat:,22049,21205461-5006009,00.html
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Anja » 15.02.2007, 11:59

The Wild Harp hat geschrieben:Ein Artikel darüber, was er noch so in Sydney getrieben hat:,22049,21205461-5006009,00.html

party-animal ralph fiennes......gggrrrrr.... du tiger.... :badgrin: :badgrin:
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Beiträge: 167
Registriert: 03.04.06
Wohnort: Thüringen

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 15.02.2007, 12:12

The Wild Harp hat geschrieben:,22049,21226727-5006009,00.html

Dublin-based Sirin Lewenden is said to have ended their five-month romance just days before Mr Fiennes allegedly followed Miss Robertson into a toilet on a long-haul Qantas flight on January 24.

Miss Lewenden is understood to have complained about Fiennes's "wandering eye", "moodiness" and "constant demands for sex".

omg, der mann braucht hilfe! er braucht unsere adressen! :lol:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 16.02.2007, 15:19

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:
The Wild Harp hat geschrieben:,22049,21226727-5006009,00.html

Dublin-based Sirin Lewenden is said to have ended their five-month romance just days before Mr Fiennes allegedly followed Miss Robertson into a toilet on a long-haul Qantas flight on January 24.

Miss Lewenden is understood to have complained about Fiennes's "wandering eye", "moodiness" and "constant demands for sex".

Woher hast Du denn das Zitat??? Das ist nicht aus dem Artikel, den ich gepostet habe..oder bin ich jetzt völlig blind? :oops:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 16.02.2007, 15:23

..."constant demands for sex".

Wie kann man sich denn bitte darüber beschweren, bei jemandem wie Ralph?????

omg, der mann braucht hilfe! er braucht unsere adressen! :lol:

Allerdings. Am besten wir gründen eine WG. Da kann er sich dann einquartieren und braucht bloß von Zimmer zu Zimmer zu hüpfen. :D
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 16.02.2007, 15:35

The Wild Harp hat geschrieben:
Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:
The Wild Harp hat geschrieben:,22049,21226727-5006009,00.html

Dublin-based Sirin Lewenden is said to have ended their five-month romance just days before Mr Fiennes allegedly followed Miss Robertson into a toilet on a long-haul Qantas flight on January 24.

Miss Lewenden is understood to have complained about Fiennes's "wandering eye", "moodiness" and "constant demands for sex".

Woher hast Du denn das Zitat??? Das ist nicht aus dem Artikel, den ich gepostet habe..oder bin ich jetzt völlig blind? :oops:

Oh, alles klar. Unter der Adresse ist jetzt ein anderer Artikel als vorgestern.

Diese blöde Kuh. Warum hat sie nicht gleich zugegeben, dass sie ihn verführt hat? Ich hab' mir sowas ähnliches schon gedacht.

Und unser Ralph ist ja auch etwas bescheuert, oder? Ungeschützter Sex!!! Und einen Tag später tourt er durch Indien und erzählt den Leuten was über safer sex. Das find' ich wirklich nicht lustig!!! :x
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 16.02.2007, 17:47

anscheinend ist der link zum täglich wechselnden tagebucheintrag über ralph mutiert. :ohaha: gestern stand jedenfalls folgendes auf der seite:

Mile-high hostie's police burnout
Exclusive by Rhett Watson and Luke McIlveen
February 15, 2007 12:00

ALLEGED mile-high flight attendant Lisa Cherie Robertson abandoned a promising career as a police officer when she suffered burn out, The Daily Telegraph Online can reveal.

New details on the woman at the centre of the mile-high sex scandal with Hollywood hunk Ralph Fiennes emerged as news broke that the British actor's girlfriend dumped him for being "sex-obsessed''.

Dublin-based Sirin Lewenden is said to have ended their five-month romance just days before Mr Fiennes allegedly followed Miss Robertson into a toilet on a long-haul Qantas flight on January 24. Miss Lewenden is understood to have complained about Fiennes's "wandering eye", "moodiness" and "constant demands for sex".

"Now Ralph is single and clearly enjoying it. It was with no great surprise that Sirin heard of the sexual encounter on the flight,'' a friend of the actor told The Daily Mirror in London.

Miss Robertson has so far denied anything happened between her and the British actor in the toilet. She is understood to be selling her story to the highest bidder. Celebrity spruiker Harry M Miller has been in contact with the flight attendant and has been quoted as saying he believed the lurid details could earn her up to $400,000.

However, the undischarged bankrupt is unlikely to see any of the money with her debts amounting to almost $500,000. Police sources today revealed the talented undercover officer had suffered enormous stress and then depression as a result of her work catching criminals while posing as a drug-addict. The 38-year-old left NSW Police about 2003 after about two years of long-term sick leave.

Her psychological injuries were considered serious enough to warrant her receiving a pension of 80 percent of her then senior constable's wage for the rest of her life. She is believed to be allowed to collect all of the pension but can earn only $37,000 a year on top of this because of her bankruptcy. Last night The Daily Telegraph Online revealed Ms Robertson was an ex-undercover police officer who posed as a drug addict to trap some of Sydney's biggest dealers.

Her incredible former life emerged as her father Graham broke his silence, describing his daughter as a "good kid" who had done nothing wrong. "Lisa just does her job and if someone wants a cup of coffee and biscuits, she looks after them," he said. "She's not a bad-looking girl. If you do the right thing people take a liking to you."

Mr Robertson said Qantas colleagues who reported seeing his daughter leaving the same toilet as Fiennes on the January 30 flight were "probably ugly as a hat full of a. . .holes and were just jealous." Ms Robertson has been suspended pending a Qantas investigation over the alleged liaison on flight QF123 from Darwin to Mumbai. In a signed statement to the airline, Ms Robertson said she began chatting to Fiennes when he sat next to her in a crew jump seat during the flight. "This is common practice on long flights to build a rapport with passengers and converse with them during the flight," Ms Robertson, who has worked for Qantas since 2004, said.She then told the star she needed to go to the toilet – and claims he followed her in and "became amorous" towards her. "I explained to him that this was inappropriate and asked him to leave," she said.

In her statement to the airline, Ms Robertson said she considered herself to be a "valuable asset" to Qantas. "I deny that my behaviour on this flight was such that my employment should be terminated," she said.
Fiennes, whose film credits include The English Patient, Schindler's List and The Constant Gardener, refused to comment on the incident.

"He never makes any comment on his private life," the actor's London-based publicity manager Sarah Keene said.Asked if she had discussed the mile-high allegations with her client, Ms Keene said: "I think that's between me and Ralph." There was no sign of the actor at his London home yesterday.

As celebrity agent Harry M. Miller firms as favourite to begin selling Ms Robertson's story, it has also emerged that the former crack police officer went bankrupt three years ago with debts of almost $500,000.An investigation by The Daily Telegraph can reveal that Ms Robertson joined the police force in March 1988 and quickly caught the attention of her superiors.

After a stint as a general duties officer in country NSW she was hand-picked to work in the Major Crime Squad drug unit as an undercover agent.

The work required her to live and socialise with drug dealers, often wearing a listening device and informing on dangerous criminals.
The work was exciting but lethal – and her talent saw her promoted to the Drug Enforcement Agency in 1995.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 16.02.2007, 17:53

... und bevor morgen wieder was anderes dort steht, gleich der eintrag ins logbuch ;)

'Follow me' says hostie
February 16, 2007 12:00

THE Qantas stewardess who claimed she rejected an amorous Ralph Fiennes on a flight to India has admitted having sex with him in an aircraft lavatory.Lisa Robertson told friends she was a big fan of the British actor and found herself luring him to the cubicle. But they apparently shared more than a 15-minute fling at 35,000ft.

Miss Robertson claims they went on to share a passionate night in a Mumbai hotel - at the star's invitation.

The Australian stewardess has told friends she recognised Fiennes, 44, as he soon as he settled into his business class seat, 2K, for the nine-hour flight from Darwin. 'I've always fancied him and to see him on my flight was a real thrill,' she told them. Later she allowed him to break aircraft rules by sitting beside her on the crew jump seat, which is used during their break.

After chatting together, there was, she has admitted, a lot of 'body language' between them and even the odd kiss or two. She gave him her phone number. Finally she decided to take matters into her own hands.

'I just stood up, reached down for his hand and told him to follow me,' she told friends. 'We went into the toilet and locked the door and off came much of our clothes.' She said they then had passionate and apparently unprotected sex.

Other crew members, more than a little suspicious, waited outside the door and later reported her to airline bosses.

Miss Robertson, 38, told friends she was so overwhelmed with the moment that she did not care who was listening, what they saw or what they assumed had been going on. That is in stark contrast to what she told her bosses at Qantas. In a statement, she portrayed Fiennes as the villain, claiming he had followed her into the lavatory where he made his intentions clear.

She said that she had told him it was inappropriate to follow her there and, after a short time, convinced him to leave. She told her bosses she had been so alarmed at being followed that she expected one of the other crew to help her. 'At no time did any crew member come to my assistance,' she complained. She also insisted that at no time were any other passengers aware of the incident.

It is hard to believe that they didn't notice staff gathered outside a lavatory for so long. Or the fact that two people eventually emerged, one an Oscar-nominated actor.

After the plane landed in Mumbai shortly after 7pm local time Miss Robertson travelled to the Grand Hyatt, a 20-minute drive from the city's international airport. Staff at the hotel confirmed to the Daily Mail that the Qantas crew had been booked in as usual that night. But Miss Robertson apparently did not use her room. She has told friends that not long after arriving in Mumbai her mobile phone rang.

It was Fiennes. He wanted to see her again. They met at a hotel and spent a passionate night together, this time practising safe sex.

'Lisa was completely smitten by him,' said a friend. 'She just hoped that the relationship could continue on from there but perhaps she was hoping for too much.' It is understood she has not heard from Fiennes since their encounter.

According to the actor's schedule, he had to set off the next morning for engagements in Indian villages, which included 'preaching' about the dangers of Aids and the need to engage in safe sex.

Days before the incident last month, Fiennes's girlfriend Sirin Lewenden is said to have ended their relationship because of his 'wandering eye' and constant demands for sex. It emerged that the liaison with Fiennes could prove rather profitable for Miss Robertson, who was declared bankrupt three years ago.

She is said to have spent this week negotiating media deals to tell the story of her fling on flight QF123 and has gone into hiding. A former undercover drug-squad officer for New South Wales police, her marriage to a police officer ended in divorce apparently due to the demands of their jobs. Police sources said that she had suffered 'burn out' due to the pressure of her job posing as a drug addict to catch criminals. She left the force in 2003 after two years of long-term sick leave. Police sources said her condition was serious enough to leave her with a pension of 80 per cent of her wages for the rest of her life. However, she later fell heavily into debt.

Sydney newspapers reported that she went bankrupt three years ago with debts of £200,000, and still has several months to wait before she is discharged.

Since the story emerged at the weekend Fiennes has chosen not to comment.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 17.02.2007, 01:57

Hier ist der frischeste Eintrag ins "Diary of Love":

Sex hostie: 'It was worth it'
February 17, 2007 12:00

QANTAS flight attendant Lisa Robertson was in a plane toilet with British actor Ralph Fiennes for 20 minutes and refused to open the door when senior cabin crew began knocking.

The Saturday Daily Telegraph understands she eventually emerged from the cubicle and bragged to colleagues: "It was worth it.''

As Fiennes refused to publicly support his mile-high companion yesterday, several of Ms Robertson's colleagues told how they saw her enter the cramped cubicle with the Hollywood star and became concerned.

"All of the crew went up to the toilet and started knocking, everyone knew she was in there with Ralph Fiennes,'' a flight attendant said yesterday on condition of anonymity.

"It's sort of being portrayed like Fiennes was all over her but it was the other way around. She was pouring him drinks and paying a lot of attention to him.''

Another flight attendant said Ms Robertson had even "asked a colleague to keep a lookout, but they refused and they went into the toilet''.

In her statement to Qantas, Ms Robertson claimed Fiennes followed her into the toilet and became "amorous'' towards her, but she asked him to leave and nothing happened.
The Saturday Daily Telegraph found Fiennes in the medieval town of Brugge in Belgium yesterday.

Fiennes is filming in the town and is holed up in a hotel with Hollywood hell-raiser Colin Farrell.

Asked by The Saturday Daily Telegraph if he would like to say anything to save the Qantas stewardess from losing her job, two-time Oscar nominee Fiennes stayed silent.

Hell-raiser Farrell was overheard in a bar by this newspaper last night telling fellow drinkers his mate Fiennes was "really embarrassed'' by the revelations.

Locals in Brugge said they had spotted Fiennes and Farrell playing pool and sharing a beer in an Irish bar in recent days.

The actors are in Belgium to film a dark comedy about two hit-men who flee to Brugge after a job goes wrong.

Fiennes was on set into the wee hours yesterday, dashing into a cafe between takes to send text messages to an unknown recipient until filming ended about 3.30am.

The sound of Fiennes angrily shouting scripted obscenities rang out across the cobbled market square.

But between takes - and text messages - he appeared calm and relaxed, smiling at cast and crew though remaining slightly aloof.

As he was filming, Farrell and others were in the bar gossiping about the mile-high sex claims.

Britain's Daily Mail reported that Fiennes and Ms Robertson met up again in a Mumbai hotel when flight QF123 from Darwin touched down in India on January 30.

A friend of Ms Robertson said the hostie decided to take matters into her own hands during the flight.

"I just stood up, reached down for his hand and told him to follow me,'' the friend said she told her

"We went into the toilet and locked the door and off came much of our clothes.''

The Saturday Daily Telegraph understands she was called to a meeting with the chief flight attendant on returning to Sydney but refused, telling them to "mind their own business''.

Ms Robertson, who has been suspended, came to attention while working for Qantas in New Zealand when she was allegedly discovered sleeping in an aircraft coat locker during a shift on a flight to Honolulu.

Colleagues said she dated a fellow flight attendant but was distressed when the relationship broke down.

Ms Robertson has been trying to sell her story since the scandal broke and Australian Consolidated Press announced yesterday its magazines had bought the local rights to her tell-all interview.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06


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