Stewardess + Poolparty Geschichten

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Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 17.02.2007, 02:01

Die Daily Mail mischt jetzt auch mit:

The girl who joined Ralph in the seven mile high club
at 12:58pm on 15th February 2007

Ralph Fiennes has been dumped by his girlfriend for being "sex obsessed" amid allegations that he had an amorous encounter with an air hostess in a toilet on a long-haul flight.

Statuesque Dublin-based interior designer Sirin Lewenden has ended her five-month romance with the double Oscar-nominated star citing his "wandering eye", "moodiness" and "constant demands for sex".

friend said: "Sirin found it quite exhausting. She likes a bit of fun but also likes a much simpler life. In the end she had had enough. Now Ralph is single and clearly enjoying it.

"It was with no great surprise that Sirin heard of the sexual encounter on the flight," the friend added.

The Mail has learnt that it was just a few days after being dropped by Ms Lewenden that Fiennes found himself accused of making an amorous advance on a female flight attendent on a trip from Darwin in Australia to Mumbai in India.

Qantas flight attendent Lisa Robertson, 38, has been in hiding since the incident on January 24 - which happened when the plane was seven miles high.

However her father Graham spoke out in her defence as first pictures of his daughter emerged showing her to be a homely-looking girl with blue eyes and blonde highlights in her hair.

Graham Robertson described his daughter as a "good kid" who had done nothing wrong. "Lisa just does her job and if someone wants a cup of coffee and biscuits, she looks after them," he said.

"She"s not a bad-looking girl. If you do the right thing people take a liking to you."

Mr Robertson said Qantas colleagues who reported seeing his daughter leaving the same toilet as Fiennes on the flight were "probably ugly as a hat full of a***holes and were just jealous."

In a signed statement to the airline, Ms Robertson said she began chatting to Fiennes when he sat next to her in a crew jump seat during the flight.

"This is common practice on long flights to build a rapport with passengers and converse with them during the flight," Ms Robertson, who has worked for Qantas since 2004, said.

She then told the star she needed to go to the toilet - and claims he followed her in and "became amorous" towards her. She claims that, once the door was locked behind then, she repelled his advances.

"I explained to him that this was inappropriate and asked him to leave," she said.

Fiennes, whose film credits include The English Patient, Schindler's List and The Constant Gardener, refused to comment on the incident.

Ms Lewenden, who had been dating Fiennes for five months, dumped the 44-year-old actor just days before the high-altitude liaison.

And as her friends spoke of the break-up, a much more detailed picture of Fiennes' sexual adventurousness emerged.

"She was like an adoring fan" one friend said. "She saw him as the bee's knees and really couldn"t believe she was dating Ralph Fiennes. But it soon became clear that he would frequently act like a petulant child. He loved the fact that she would mother him, but he would go into strops, not turn up for days, would be demanding and often be sulky for hours on end.

"Sexually, he was also very adventurous. Initially, Sirin thought it was all apart and parcel of the first throes of romance. She had hoped it would all calm down a bit, but it didn't and it just didn't do it for her after a while.

"They split because of Ralph's wandering eye and his constant demands for what might best be described as unconventional sex. He could also be prone to the odd mood swing."

Sydney-based Ms Robertson, who is currently suspended without pay pending the outcome of an investigation, said she met Fiennes on flight QF 123 from Darwin to Bombay on January 24.

The Suffolk-born actor's latest failed romance is by no means his first. Fiennes, who trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, divorced his first wife, actress Alex Kingston, in 1997, just four years after they married.

In 1995, he started a long relationship with Francesca Annis, 18 years his senior.
Their romance started after she played his mother in an east London production of Hamlet.

They separated acrimoniously in February 2006 amid reports that he had a two-year affair with a Romanian singer. Fiennes was then reported to be seeing American actress Ellen Barkin, before getting together with 42-year-old Ms Lewenden.

They met in Dublin while Fiennes was in a theatre production and shared a suite at Claridge's in London while he was filming Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix at Leavesden Studios in Hertfordshire.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
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Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 17.02.2007, 02:09

dass sie ihn geil findet und die gelegenheit genutzt hat, ist okay. auch, dass sie die sex-sache dementiert hat, um ihren job zu retten, wäre ok. aber die ganze story zu verkaufen und vorallem ihm die "schuld" in die schuhe zu schieben und im nachhinein dann doch stolz verkünden, dass alles aus ihrer initiative heraus stattgefunden hat, ist ziemlich übel. und für ein paar dollar mehr hat sie gleich noch die hotel-geschichte ausgeplaudert. ziemlich armes verhalten. :roll:

gerade bei youtube gefunden: ralph wurde zur schlechtesten person am 12.feb gewählt :blödsinn: :lol:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
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Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon Anja » 17.02.2007, 11:53

[quote="Dolarhyde"]dass sie ihn geil findet und die gelegenheit genutzt hat, ist okay. auch, dass sie die sex-sache dementiert hat, um ihren job zu retten, wäre ok. aber die ganze story zu verkaufen und vorallem ihm die "schuld" in die schuhe zu schieben und im nachhinein dann doch stolz verkünden, dass alles aus ihrer initiative heraus stattgefunden hat, ist ziemlich übel. und für ein paar dollar mehr hat sie gleich noch die hotel-geschichte ausgeplaudert. ziemlich armes verhalten. :roll:

..ich kann einfach immer noch nicht glauben, das er nichts, aber auch gar nichts aus dieser chrisan-story gelernt hat-die hat ja auch schon alles ausgeplaudert-was sind das nur für bitches-aber irgendwie wird MAN doch vorsichtiger-auch wenn man noch so geil ist.... :-( :-( -vielleicht sollte er die frauen doch etwas länger kennen als 2 minuten :!: :!:
:shock: wie steht er denn jetzt wieder da in der öffentlichkeit :shock:
sich so selbst zu belügen..safer sex... :doubt: :doubt:
ich weiß nicht, würdet ihr alles der presse vorkauen :?: :?: jedes detail :?: .nur für geld-und die gewißheit einmal mit ihm geschlafen zu haben- ;) ;)
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
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Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 17.02.2007, 12:31

sie scheint eh nicht die hellste zu sein, erst belügt sie ihren arbeitgeber, ihr kollegen bezeichnet sie als lügner, und dass alle nur neidisch wären. ihrem vater scheint sie dann auch noch das märchen von der fast-verführten stewardess zu erzählen. worauf der der presse erzählt was für ein liebes kind sie doch war und auch immer noch ist :fein: doof nur, dass sie ihren "freunden" was anderes erzählt hat. :blödsinn: wäre sie man bei der ersten version geblieben und hätte einfach die klappe gehalten. aber nee, da winkt die presse mit ein paar scheinen und sie gibt exclusivstories.

und zu ralph ... mmhh schwer zu sagen, bis auf die not-safe-sache hat er eigentlich nix falsch gemacht. die welt schien wohl noch in ordnung nachdem sie wieder aus der kabine gekommen waren, sonst hätte er sie später nicht ins hotel eingeladen.

noch ein kurzes wort zum crisan-fall: war das nicht auch im januar/februar? also nächstes jahr sollte er wohl besser aufpassen und einfach zuhause bleiben und auch keinen frauenbesuch empfangen. :think:

Anja hat geschrieben:ich weiß nicht, würdet ihr alles der presse vorkauen. jedes detail. nur für geld-und die gewißheit einmal mit ihm geschlafen zu haben

nee, nix presse. hier im forum gäbe es dann die exclusivstory. müsste man dann nur noch eine extra rubrik einrichten. :D
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon Anja » 17.02.2007, 14:19

..nimm ihn bitte nicht so in schutz...
.. :evil: böser ralph :evil: ... :badgrin: :badgrin:

nächstes jahr um die gleiche zeit :?: :?: :?: ..ich glaub wir hören (schlampengeschichten) schon eher von ihm... :!:
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Beiträge: 167
Registriert: 03.04.06
Wohnort: Thüringen

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 17.02.2007, 16:30

wo nehm ich ihn denn in schutz? ich kann jetzt nix verwerfliches daran finden, wenn jemand sex im flugzeug hat. sein pech war nur, dass er 'ne redselige stewardess erwischt hat, die nun mal auf grund ihres jobs nicht mit passagieren in wc-kabinen verschwinden darf. hätte er sich 'ne normale passagieren ausgesucht, wüssten wir wahrscheinlich heute nix davon. :roll:

"amouröse" geschichten werden wir wie letztes jahr auch dieses jahr hören. aber ich glaube, die zeit um jan/feb ist besonders gefährlich für ihn. da kommen dann immer solche hammergeschichten.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon AmonFan » 18.02.2007, 02:09

Und unser Ralph ist ja auch etwas bescheuert, oder? Ungeschützter Sex!!! Und einen Tag später tourt er durch Indien und erzählt den Leuten was über safer sex. Das find' ich wirklich nicht lustig!!!

also das ist ne sache die ich auch echt heftig was denkt ihr....ich meine ungeschützter sex....kommt da noch was in 9 monaten??!!! :badgrin:

"amouröse" geschichten werden wir wie letztes jahr auch dieses jahr hören. aber ich glaube, die zeit um jan/feb ist besonders gefährlich für ihn. da kommen dann immer solche hammergeschichten.

ja das gefühl habe ich mittlerweile auch....vll fangen in der zeit immer seine extremen frühlingsgefühle an zu kusieren gegen die er sich natürlich nicht wehren kann(möchte!!)??
Hinweis: Falls in gewissen Gesprächsrunden einfach mal der Sinn fehlt, dann war es der Edit-Button!!!!
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
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Wohnort: Germany

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 18.02.2007, 02:19

AmonFan hat was denkt ihr....ich meine ungeschützter sex....kommt da noch was in 9 monaten??!!! :badgrin:

glaube ich nicht, ungeschützter sex heißt nicht automatisch, dass sie nicht vor schwangerschaft geschützt war.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 18.02.2007, 02:40

Ralph Fiennes: I was the victim
By Fiona Hudson

February 18, 2007 12:00

ACTOR Ralph Fiennes considers himself to have been the victim of a sexual aggressor in an alleged mile-high sex scandal.

Yesterday, the media-shy film star's personal publicist angrily broke a week-long silence from the Fiennes camp to tell the actor's side of an increasingly sordid story.

Media manager Sara Keene declared flight attendant Lisa Robertson had instigated the incident in a toilet cubicle of a Qantas flight between Darwin and Mumbai.

"She initiated the encounter,'' Ms Keene said, in the first confirmation from the Fiennes camp that an incident did occur.

"This woman seduced him on a plane. She was the sexual aggressor.

"Yet she said in her official statement (to Qantas) that he had initiated it ... and virtually accused him of forcing himself upon her.''

Asked if this meant Fiennes considered himself blameless, his PR manager reverted to her standard line: "I never comment on his personal life. I wouldn't comment on his actions.''

Ms Keene also refused to either confirm or deny allegations that a relationship between Fiennes, 44, and Ms Robertson, 38, had continued once the plane touched down.

Asked if Fiennes could have turned down an apparent offer to join Ms Robertson in the toilet cubicle, Ms Keene said: "Of course he could have said no.

"The point I am making is that she initiated it. He didn't force himself upon her.''

As fall-out from the incident continued, Fiennes held early-morning crisis talks with his London-based publicist from his hotel room in Bruges, where he is shooting a film with Hollywood bad boy Colin Farrell.

Ms Keene - who represents other celebrity clients including Jude Law and Kate Winslet - said Fiennes should not be expected to make any comment in defence of the honour of Ms Robertson.
And he should feel no guilt if Ms Robertson was sacked by Qantas or had to resign, she said.

Ms Keene said the flight attendant had changed her version of events at least twice, and had sold versions of her story to the highest bidder while Fiennes had kept a dignified silence.

"If you paid all the money in the world, it wouldn't buy him,'' Ms Keene said of her client.

"There's not enough money in the world that will make him respond in person.

"He never has, and he's never going to. The story is over now, as far as we are concerned.''

The actor spent the evening standing in a picturesque market square in Bruges watching mate Farrell and a female co-star kiss for the cameras.

A relaxed Fiennes smiled broadly as the director offered Farrell, a notorious ladies' man, and his co-star hints on how to smooch better.

Ms Keen said she was personally angry at the way Ms Robertson had acted.

"I'm glad she's telling the truth at last. They are my words, not Ralph's,'' she said.

Ms Keen said she expected Sunday papers in Britain to carry further damaging claims from Ms Robertson against the star of The English Patient.

In all her years representing Fiennes - including two particularly dramatic break-ups - Ms Keene has rarely unleashed such a vigorous defence of the star.

Until now, her public statements since the incident hit the media spotlight have been restricted to a curt "No comment''.

Fiennes refused to comment when approached yesterday.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 18.02.2007, 03:05

liest sich wie eine fanfiction-geschichte ...

Air stewardess: secrets of my five-mile high sex romp with Ralph Fiennes
By JO KNOWSLEY in Sydney - More by this author »

Last updated at 21:12pm on 17th February 2007

Quantas stewardess Lisa Robertson has revealed how she fell for Hollywood star Ralph Fiennes

Qantas stewardess tells how she fell for Hollywood star in Seat 2K...and how after a mad, passionate fling he abandoned her to face the sack...

The attraction had been immediate and overwhelming from the moment they first made eye contact.

But as Qantas stewardess Lisa Robertson leaned over towards Hollywood star Ralph Fiennes to offer him a drink, she could not have imagined how the evening would unfold - or that she would end up in a passionate tryst with him in the aircraft lavatory.

When rumours first emerged that Ralph Fiennes joined the Five Mile High Club in the business-class lavatory on flight QF123 from Darwin to Bombay, Qantas issued a statement from Lisa vigorously denying the allegation.

But The Mail on Sunday can now reveal the truth about what happened that night - how the English actor had unsafe sex with the 38-year-old Australian stewardess on the flight and went on to seduce her in an evening of almost non-stop love-making at his lavish hotel in India.

Speaking for the first time, exclusively to The Mail on Sunday, Lisa, a former high-flying police officer, said: 'It's true. We did make love on the plane that night. At first I denied it because I was so desperate to keep my job and I didn't want to hurt Ralph.

'I know some people will think it's disgusting. And I'm not proud of what I did - it was inappropriate behaviour. But I don't regret it. Ralph is gorgeous and the chemistry between us was amazing. What woman wouldn't want to make love with him? This sort of attraction happens to people all the time. It's just not usually with a Hollywood star at 35,000 feet.

Although Lisa makes no bones about having been an enthusiastic participant in the unedifying episode and is clearly still thrilled to have attracted the attention of an international film star, it is hard not to see her also as his victim.

Despite her tall, trim figure, there is sadness in her eyes, highlighted by the medication she takes for depression since she left a tough front-line job as a detective with an elite New South Wales police drugs squad.

One can't help asking whether Ralph Fiennes didn't spot a vulnerable woman, use her, and then abandon her to face the sack from her job with Qantas.

Lisa recognised the 44-year-old star of films including The English Patient from the minute she went to his window seat 2K to offer him a selection of champagne, orange juice and water.

And she admits she was star-struck. He was dressed casually in beige chinos and a long-sleeved shirt, and as he quietly asked for a glass of water she gushed: 'Oh my God, it's you. I am such a fan of your films. I love your work. I've seen The English Patient 20 times.' She recaptured her composure and added: 'I'm so sorry. This is so unprofessional of me.'

Fiennes, however, looked relaxed and amused.

'He leaned forward, gazed deep into my eyes and stroked my arm as if to reassure me,' said Lisa. 'He whispered, 'It's OK. Anyway, I think you're gorgeous.'

She admits: 'I felt overwhelmed. I felt like you do when you're a teenager. My heart was pumping with excitement. We kept looking at each other and giggling. He was just so gorgeous. I noticed he had lovely soft skin, beautiful hands and wonderful eyes.

'I expected him to be aloof. But he was just so nice. He had a strange kind of vulnerability about him. For the rest of the evening, although I was working on the other side of the cabin, we kept looking at each other. He was watching me serve drinks, staring intensely. He didn't have a meal and drank only a couple of glasses of Shiraz.

'But every time I looked up I saw that he was watching me. We were seriously flirting across the cabin, which is not like me. I've served a lot of famous people, including Shane Warne and Ian Thorpe, and I'm not usually like that at work.'

Lisa, who is divorced, continued with her duties, serving the evening meal before the cabin lights dimmed. There were only 12 passengers in business class that night.

Then, as she was preparing to go on her break, Fiennes made an unexpected suggestion. Lisa said: 'We had chatted a bit about India - where I've been five times - and his movies.

'When I told him I was going for a break, he said, "I might come and visit you for a chat, if that's OK." I was a bit surprised, but also thrilled. I said, "Sure."'

Lisa admits she was smitten by the star, but says she did not make the first move and had no thought of what might happen next.

It was 11pm and most of the other passengers were asleep. Lisa retired behind the curtained crew area, next to the cockpit, took off her shoes and put her feet up. But moments later she was interrupted by Fiennes.

'I'm sorry, were you sleeping?, he said. 'No,' she replied. 'Come in and take a seat.'

Lisa is not proud of what happened next, but she found Fiennes 'irresistible'. 'At first we just chatted,' she said. 'He sat really close to me. He told me he was learning lines for a new movie with Colin Farrell, playing the part of a gangster. He said he was practising his cockney accent.

'I asked him to give me an example. He did and it was really good. I told him again that The English Patient was just the best movie, but he said, 'That was over ten years ago. Why don't people value my later work?'

'I apologised and said I didn't mean to offend him. I guess we talked for about an hour about lots of different things. He thought it was funny that I lived alone with my dog, a Lhasa Apso-poodle cross called Finn.'

Fiennes told Lisa he was touring Indian villages for Unicef to talk about AIDS awareness. He asked what she would be doing in Bombay, where she was staying, and said, 'Do you want to meet up?'

Stunned and deeply flattered, Lisa said: 'Yeah. That would be cool.'

By this point they were sitting so close their faces were just inches apart. Lisa said: 'He held my hands. Then he started kissing me. The kissing was very passionate and his hands were all over me. I just melted.

'He was caressing my neck, holding my head and he started undoing the buttons on my dress. The way he was going, he would have made love to me right there.

'I was very turned on and so was he. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was touching his face and his hair. He had beautiful skin. I was undoing his shirt as well. It was a bit surreal, like a scene from one of his movies.

'But I was afraid my supervisor might pull back the curtain and catch us. Eventually, I couldn't bear it any longer. I just grabbed his hand and said, "Come in here a minute."

'By this time, we had half our clothes off and I didn't care about anything. I led him into the cabin lavatory next to where we had been sitting and locked the door.

'Ralph was a great lover. And I thought if I was going to get the sack, it would be worth it. I knew it was against the rules and wrong but I didn't care.

'I was a bit shocked that he didn't wear a condom. Looking back, I think of it as dangerous behaviour and hypocritical given that he was going to India to talk about AIDS.

'He asked me, "Have you ever done this before?". I said, "No, never." I asked him the same question and he said, "No."

'The only strange thing was that he kept his eyes open the whole time, staring at me intensely, although we were kissing madly.

'I realised that people would miss me and wonder where I was as my break was almost over. I told him we had to get out of there quickly.

'I helped him get dressed and he told me that when he got out of the toilet he would press his call button to distract the other flight attendants so that I could leave.

'But a male member of staff saw Ralph come out of the toilet and he saw me lock the door after Ralph. When I came out, the member of staff was still there. I prepared to get back to work but the cabin manager wanted a word with me. She asked, "Did you go into the toilet with a male passenger?"

'I said, "No." But she said three people saw me do it. She told me I had crossed the line and that she was going to report me when we got back to Sydney.

'Ralph called me over and asked, "Is everything all right?" I told him, "No,"and sat down next to him. He was very concerned, but I downplayed it and said I would sort it out.

'I knew I was in big trouble. I was ordered to spend the rest of the flight working in economy and I was the talk of the other cabin crew. I was able to talk to Ralph again to reassure him that everything was fine. I wanted to see him again in Bombay. I didn't want him to freak out and not call me.'

Even now, almost a month after the incident on January 24, Lisa still seems to find the events surreal. She claims her behaviour was out of character but says: 'I just had no control over myself. I wanted him so much. I couldn't resist him.'

She has had only one other liaison with a man she met while working on a flight - an American with whom she had dinner and later spent a weekend in New York.

'But that was very much out of office hours,' she said. 'Men travelling business class are always coming on to me. They invite me to go for weekends away to lavish locations and nice hotels and give me their cards. But I usually just throw them away.'

Lisa had a sheltered upbringing with her two brothers in the town of Wagga Wagga near Sydney. Her father Graham, a butcher, and her mother Sandra were so protective that she did not have her first sexual relationship until the age of 20 when she went to the New South Wales police academy.

Lisa recalled: 'My mother had cancer when I was 11. She survived but it was traumatic. I never really had time for boys. I was the only girl in the middle of two brothers and I had a lot of responsibility.'

She also had low self-esteem. 'My brothers teased me about being flat-chested, so I've had breast implants. They said I was skinny and gawky. And I hated being 5ft 9in tall. I never felt attractive.'

She married a fellow police officer, John Duncan, and had a high-flying career in undercover drug work and hostage negotiation.

After 14 years her police service ended due to her suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. And her marriage did not survive.

Indeed, she seems wary of men, saying she has been repeatedly exploited by them. 'So many treat you badly,' she said. 'They're just after sex. They're losers.' Ironically, she thought Fiennes was 'so sensitive, so different'.

Only now has Lisa begun to wonder. She has seen last week's reports claiming that he has been dumped by his girlfriend of five months, interior designer Sirin Lewenden, because of his wandering eye, mood swings and constant demands for sex. Their romance began after he split from his long-term partner, actress Francesca Annis.

On flight QF123, however, Fiennes seemed to Lisa an impossibly exotic lover, very different from the men she usually encounters. And while she says she never expected a romance, she didn't hesitate in saying yes when he asked her if he could meet her at his Bombay hotel.

Brimming with anticipation, Lisa stood next to Fiennes before he left the plane so they could talk. 'He was wearing a funny old white hat and a Kathmandu backpack, which made him look very eccentric,' she said.

'I gave him my mobile number and he repeatedly said he would call me. I was sad to see him go. I just wanted to go with him.'

Lisa had been at her hotel - the Grand Hyatt - for only about half an hour when Fiennes called her. He was on his way to his hotel, the Intercontinental, and wanted her to come over.

Lisa said: 'I had a shower, put on a little floral sun dress and my flip-flops. I put on minimum make-up and had a glass of Sauvignon blanc because I was a bit nervous.'

At the Intercontinental she found Fiennes was checked in, under his own name, to room 663, a lavish corner suite on the sixth floor. After calling the room, she was escorted up by security guards.

She said: 'Ralph opened the door with just a white towel around his waist. He said, 'Hi, how are you darling? Come in, I'm just having a bath. Make yourself a drink.'

'He dropped the towel and was wandering around naked. I was laughing, I thought it was hilarious. But I wander around naked a lot at home, so it didn't bother me. He had quite a nice body. It's obvious he's not a gym work-out kind of guy. For a man he's got quite a slender body, but I was attracted to him. It was a luxurious room - better than where I was staying. There was a bottle of red wine with a note on it saying, Welcome Mr Fiennes. I was like a kid in a sweet shop.

'He changed into a casual blue shirt and chinos and asked if I would like to have dinner with him. He'd heard there was a lovely restaurant on the roof. I said that would be great. I'd thought he would just keep me in the room, make love to me and throw me out.

'But it surprised me that he was a gentleman and he was treating this meeting like a real date.

'I wasn't particularly hungry and he doesn't eat much, so we just had snacks and ordered drinks. He had a Martini. There was a pool and the people around it recognised Ralph. He held my hand and had his arm around me, as if I was his girlfriend.

'He had been in Sydney performing a Beckett play and started to recite bits to me. He asked if I'd seen it. I told him it wasn't my kind of thing. I found that part of the date a bit boring.

'He didn't mention he had a girlfriend. I said I knew he went out with a famous actress, Francesca Annis, and that they'd broken up. He said, 'Yeah, it's been a bad year.'

'From his look of sadness and vulnerability, I guessed he was still in love with her. It was obvious that he was single and struggling with it.

'We had a couple more drinks. I spoke to him about The English Patient and asked him to say that line, 'It's a really plum plum' when the nurse is feeding his character the fruit. He did and I was thrilled. We went back to his room and I suggested we crack open the bottle of red. I poured us a glass each. He put on a DVD - Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels - which he said he was watching for research.

'I sat on the end of the bed. He came over, put his wine by the bed, threw off the top sheet and took off his clothes. I undressed at the same time. There was no conversation and in no time we were kissing and right into it.'

According to Lisa, they made love twice more through the evening - once in the middle of the night. But he told her, before they went back to sleep: 'I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to kick you out in the morning. I've got a lot of calls to make and things to do.'

Lisa said: -I felt fine about that. I understood but I was disappointed.

'I wasn't under any illusions that this would be the start of a romance. He is an upper-class Englishman and I knew it would be just about sex. But I thought we could keep a friendship and that we might make love when he visited Sydney.'

Lisa was woken at 7am by the sound of a mobile phone ringing, followed by Ralph talking. She said: 'He was sitting at the end of the bed. When the call ended he turned around and started kissing and cuddling me. We made love for about 20 minutes. It was excellent, really nice.

'But then he said, 'I'm going to have to kick you out now.' Just before I got out of bed, he said in a sincere, gentle voice, 'Lisa, I really like you.'

'I didn't even have a shower. I just went into the bathroom, tied my hair back and put on my flip-flops. He said, 'See you on the next Qantas flight,' to which I said, 'You will never fly Qantas again.' And he said, 'Oh yes I will.'

'He walked me to the door and kissed me and said, 'Goodbye, darling.' The casual way he said it was like he would see me next week.

'I had mixed feelings as the door closed behind me. I hoped he would call me again. I understood he had Unicef commitments but I was going to be in Bombay for two days, so I hoped he would find time to squeeze me in for another quick love-making session - or even a phone call. When he didn't call I realised I had to get over it. He was never going to.'

Lisa met her flight crew for drinks and confided in one friend, a pilot, what had happened. But she was horrified to learn that everyone seemed to have heard her making love with Fiennes in the lavatory. She says some of the girls were envious and giggled, saying: 'I wish it had been me.'

But Lisa knew her supervisor had reported her. 'I knew I was in big trouble,' she said. On January 26 she flew back to Sydney, where she was told by her management company, airline services contractor Morris Alexander Management, that she had been suspended without pay pending a disciplinary hearing.

On the advice of a lawyer she tried to make contact with Fiennes, leaving an urgent message at the Gate Theatre in Dublin, which had been behind his Beckett performances in Sydney. Within a few hours he called.

Lisa said: 'I told him I was in a lot of trouble and that I had been suspended from work. There was silence at the other end. I told him people had seen us leaving the toilet, but all he said was, 'Nothing happened.' He kept saying, 'We weren't in the toilet.' I told him I couldn't deny it. I said I had to answer the allegation.

Fiennes' reply, when it came, shocked Lisa to the core. She said: 'It was clear he was turning his back on me. He said, 'We don't know each other very well. I'm very sorry, I can't get involved. I can't help you.'

'I was desperate and suggested we said I was doing something like helping him with a contact lens. But he wouldn't agree.

'Then he told me, I've been scarred by an incident about a year ago when my life was dragged through the tabloids. My whole relationship was destroyed. It's ruined my life. You're just a hostess and you don,t even like your job. You're not happy in your job. You can get another job.'

'I felt humiliated. It was like talking to a different person. He made me feel like a low-life, like I was asking him for money or something. Then he said, 'Let's have no further phone contact. I'll call you in a month,s time, just to show you I'm a human being.' I was stunned.

'I told him, 'You're right. In the big scheme of things, it's not that important. It's just a job. If I do lose my job, it was worth it.'

'I ended the conversation on good terms, but I was angry and disappointed at his attitude and uncaring lack of support and sympathy.

I expected him to take some responsibility for our problem which suddenly became my problem.

'I thought about resigning to protect him. I felt sorry for him because of the speech he made about what he'd been through with the British papers. But I was frightened, I was depressed, I felt completely alone and I had no support.'

The betrayal evoked bitter memories of Lisa's troubled past. On leaving the police, she sued the force for lack of care over her mental health problems, but lost the case and was driven into bankruptcy.

She briefly studied law at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia. Then she met a stewardess and thought the job sounded fun. But the hard work and long hours did nothing to ease her depression, for which she still takes medication.

Now, after her fling with Fiennes, she is alone and faces losing her job. Her family have been critical of her and over the past week, since the story first emerged, their communication has been punctuated by fierce rows.

Now Lisa is even more wary of men. 'I've never been lucky in love,' she said. 'I just choose the wrong people. My last relationship, with an Italian flight steward, ended in June.'

Yet bizarrely she insists that, given the chance, she would make love to Fiennes in the lavatory again. 'It must sound crazy,' she said, 'but I wouldn't miss that experience for anything.'

She has convinced herself that Fiennes did care for her, however briefly, and that 'the experience was a lot more than just about sex'.

Does she feel used? 'No,' she insisted. 'We were both fantastically attracted to each other. I am sure he cared about me.

But she pauses, twisting a ring on her finger, as if for the first time considering the more brutal alternatives. 'Then again,, she said, +he is a very good actor.'

And she concedes that she was stung by his failure to support her story about the contact lens. It was a lie that might have helped her keep her job. 'I am upset by his betrayal,' she said. 'He is a millionaire movie star and I'm a struggling air hostess on £12,000 a year. I have financial problems and nothing to fall back on.

'He could have written a letter giving a version of events which the airline would have been forced to accept.

'What will I do now? Who knows? But I will bounce back. I always do. Maybe I'll finally take some time out to find out what I want and who I am. I should have done that years ago.'

I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
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Beitragvon Anja » 18.02.2007, 12:02

:sagnix: mehr :!: :!: :!:
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Beiträge: 167
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Beitragvon Anja » 18.02.2007, 13:15

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:wo nehm ich ihn denn in schutz? ich kann jetzt nix verwerfliches daran finden, wenn jemand sex im flugzeug hat. sein pech war nur, dass er 'ne redselige stewardess erwischt hat, die nun mal auf grund ihres jobs nicht mit passagieren in wc-kabinen verschwinden darf. hätte er sich 'ne normale passagieren ausgesucht, wüssten wir wahrscheinlich heute nix davon. :roll:

"amouröse" geschichten werden wir wie letztes jahr auch dieses jahr hören. aber ich glaube, die zeit um jan/feb ist besonders gefährlich für ihn. da kommen dann immer solche hammergeschichten.

Hallo Dolarhyde-das klang von mir vielleicht ein bißchen :teach: schulmeisterlich :teach: ,aber ich verurteile ihn nicht, weil er im Flugzeug Sex hatte, sondern wegen der Schnelligkeit, mit der er Frauen kennenlernt und Sex kriegt-klar sind die dann selbst schuld-und schützen können die sich auch selbst-aber im allgemeinen-es hat ihm ja auch nicht gerade gefallen, als er damals die Sache mit der Chrisan hatte und die publik geworden ist-also warum ist er so unbekümmert :?: :?:
Aber widerum wenn man die Artikel liest, das stellt das ganze auch wieder in einem anderem Licht dar. :grübel: :grübel:
Am besten :sagnix: mehr,wir wissen eh- nicht, was wahr und gelogen ist. :doubt:
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Beiträge: 167
Registriert: 03.04.06
Wohnort: Thüringen

Beitragvon RalucaV » 18.02.2007, 14:55

"They split because of Ralph's wandering eye and his constant demands for what might best be described as unconventional sex.

habt ihr das bemerkt? :grübel: was fur "unconventional sex" ist es? ich wurde es gern, sehr gern wissen :devilgrin:

ich sag nix uber diese affare weil es wieder die alte geschichte ist...irgendwelche frau hat sex mit irgendwelche star und dann alles zu die presse sagt...wie "unsurprising"....

ist sie total blod oder was? wisst sie nicht dass sie kein sex im flugzeug haben soll wenn sie stewardess ist?...usw.

und Ralph soll auch ein bisschen mehr vorsichtig sein, wenn er nicht jedes halb jahr in der presse sein will...

ich sag nur: warum ruft er nicht uns an? :p
I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your main connection to the switchboard of the souls...
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
Beiträge: 637
Registriert: 12.02.06
Wohnort: Prag

Beitragvon Anja » 18.02.2007, 18:18

RalucaV hat geschrieben:
"They split because of Ralph's wandering eye and his constant demands for what might best be described as unconventional sex.

habt ihr das bemerkt? :grübel: was fur "unconventional sex" ist es? ich wurde es gern, sehr gern wissen :devilgrin:

ich sag nix uber diese affare weil es wieder die alte geschichte ist...irgendwelche frau hat sex mit irgendwelche star und dann alles zu die presse sagt...wie "unsurprising"....

ist sie total blod oder was? wisst sie nicht dass sie kein sex im flugzeug haben soll wenn sie stewardess ist?...usw.

und Ralph soll auch ein bisschen mehr vorsichtig sein, wenn er nicht jedes halb jahr in der presse sein will...

ich sag nur: warum ruft er nicht uns an? :p

Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Beiträge: 167
Registriert: 03.04.06
Wohnort: Thüringen

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 19.02.2007, 00:14

@ Dolarhyde

Du hast die "entschärfte" Version gepostet. Hier ist die Variante mit allen "schmutzigen" Details :devilgrin:

18 February 2007
Exclusive by Frank Thorne and Sandra White

AIR hostess Lisa Robertson tells today of her incredible mile-high romps with lust-filled Harry Potter star Ralph Fiennes.

Ex-policewoman Lisa, 38, had frantic sex with the 44-year-old Hollywood heartthrob - who pronounces his name "Rafe" - at 35,000ft in a business class toilet on a night flight to India.

And she tells how the passion carried on after they touched Fiennes' luxury hotel suite.

Lisa, who is currently suspended from her job, said: "I wanted him so much. I couldn't control myself. I couldn't resist. Some people will think it's disgusting. But I don't regret it.

"Ralph Fiennes is gorgeous and the chemistry between us was amazing. What woman wouldn't want to have sex with him? He was the best lover I've ever had - a 10 out of 10."

Lisa met Ralph, who plays evil Lord Voldemort in the Potter movies, after he boarded Qantas flight QF123, business class, from Darwin, Australia for an evening flight to Mumbai on January 24.

She instantly recognised him. She is a massive fan of his and has seen his blockbuster film The English Patient 20 times.

As Fiennes sat sipping red wine, they chatted in the cheery way expected of her job as she strolled through the cabin. She said: "There was an instant chemistry between us. He was flirting with me. Every time I looked up I saw that he was watching me.

I TOLD him, 'I love your films. I hope you don't mind me saying this. It's a little unprofessional of me'. He replied, 'Not at all. You're gorgeous'. He stroked my arm to reassure me and smiled. I noticed he had beautiful hands."

About two hours into the flight, as Lisa walked to the curtained area where staff take their breaks, Fiennes said he might pop down to see her later.

It was 11pm and most of the other 12 passengers in business class were sleeping. Fiennes was in a window seat.

"After 10 minutes, he pulled the curtain across a little and peered in and said to me, 'I'm sorry, were you sleeping?'" said Lisa. "He sat opposite me in the pull-down crew jump seat. Our knees were practically touching.

"I was really happy to see him. He told me, 'I'm learning my lines for a new movie with Colin Farrell. I'm playing the part of a gangster - I'm the bad guy. It's about a murder that goes wrong. I'm practising my Cockney accent'. So I asked him to do some for me and he did and it was really good."

But he went into a "luvvie" sulk when she praised the English Patient as "just the best movie". Lisa said: "He told me, 'That was over 10 years ago. Why don't people validate my later work?' I apologised and said I didn't mean to offend him." His dented pride restored, Fiennes told her would be "touring villages in India for UNICEF talking about Aids awareness and HIV.

"He asked me what I would be doing in Mumbai and then said, 'Do you want to meet up?' I said, 'Yeah, that would be great'. Of course I wanted to meet up with him. I thought he was gorgeous.

"We were so close. Our faces were less than a foot apart and then he started holding my hands. Then he began kissing me. The kissing was very passionate and his hands were all over me. I just melted. He started caressing my neck, holding my head and then he started undoing the buttons on my dress. The way he was going, he would have had sex with me there and then. I melted. I was gone. I was very turned on. So was he. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was touching his face and his hair. He had beautiful skin. I could tell he was aroused. I was undoing his shirt as well.

"It was a bit surreal - like a scene from one of his movies. He was kissing me full on, putting his tongue in my mouth. I was afraid my supervisor might pull back the curtain and catch us.

"Eventually, I couldn't bear it any longer. I just grabbed his hand and said, 'Come in here a minute'.

"By this time, we had half our clothes off. I didn't care if my boss saw us, I led him into the cabin toilet next to where we had been sitting and locked the door. The second we were in there, he started ripping his clothes off and then he helped me get mine off.

"Within seconds, we both ended up totally naked - him with his trousers around his shoes and me stripped bare. My hold-up stockings were the only thing left on.

"I had been wearing a bra but not any knickers. One Qantas girl got hauled over the coals because her panty line was visible through her dress so I thought, 'I'll show them - I won't wear any underwear'. I have always found not wearing knickers liberating.

"There wasn't much room. We were both standing up. I sat on the sink and straight away Ralph starting giving me oral sex. It was amazing but I was a bit shocked. I liked it but I was surprised he would do that to a total stranger.

"He was a completely unselfish lover. He did that for a few minutes then I grabbed his manhood. He was very well endowed.

"I thought if I was going to get the sack, it would be worth it. I knew everything was totally against the rules and wrong but I didn't care. I was going for it.

HE didn't wear a condom. I was a bit shocked. Looking back it was dangerous behaviour - and pretty hypocritical given that he was going to India to talk about Aids.

"But at the time I didn't care. As we were going at it he joked, 'Are you promiscuous?' And I replied, 'Are you?' We were laughing, but trying to keep the noise down. Then he asked me, 'Have you ever done this before?' and I said, 'No, never'. He kept his eyes open the whole time, staring at me intensely, although we were kissing madly.

"The sex went on for about 10 minutes. We must have been making a bit of noise. I had my feet against the wall during sex. I started to realise that people would miss me and wonder where I was as my break was almost over. I heard some noises outside and told him we had to get out of there quickly.

"I helped him get dressed and he told me that when he got out of there that he would press his call button to distract the other flight attendants so I could leave the toilet.

"A male staff member saw Ralph come out of the toilet and he saw me lock the door after Ralph. When I came out, the staff member was still there."

The chief stewardess confronted Lisa and ordered her to spend the rest of the journey in economy class. "Ralph called me over and asked me, 'Is everything alright?'," said Lisa. "He was very concerned." Lisa tried to put his concerns to rest - "I had given him my phone number and didn't want him to freak out and not call me when we landed," she said.

When the plane landed Lisa made sure she stood next to Fiennes as he got off and they arranged he would phone her.

Lisa had been at her hotel for only 30 minutes when her phone went. It was Fiennes.

He was on his way to his hotel, The Intercontinental, and wanted her to come over. "I had a shower, put on a little floral sun dress and my flip-flops," she said.

"I put on minimum makeup and had a glass of wine because I was a bit nervous."

Fiennes opened the door of his sixth-floor suite, room 663, naked bar a white towel around his waist. "He said. 'How are you darling? I'm just having a bath. Make yourself a drink'," Lisa said.

"He dropped the towel and was wandering around naked. I was laughing, I thought it was hilarious. He had quite a nice body.

"It was a really luxurious room. The bath tub was in the centre of this large bathroom. There was a bottle of red wine with a little note saying, 'Welcome Mr Fiennes'. I was like an excited kid in a sweet shop.

"Ralph got up and got changed into a casual blue shirt and chinos and asked if I would like to go out and have some dinner with him. He said he'd heard there was a really lovely restaurant on the roof. I said that would be great.

"I was delighted. I thought he would just keep me in the room, have sex with me and throw me out. But he was a complete gentleman, treating our meeting like a real date. We ordered snacks and drinks. He had a martini.

"He was holding my hand and had his arm around me, as if I was his girlfriend."

Lisa revealed: "Ralph told me, 'It's been a bad year'." She said they had a couple more drinks before returning to his room. "I suggested we cracked open the red and poured us a glass each.

He put on a DVD - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - which he said he was watching for research. He came over, threw the top sheet off the bed and took his clothes off. I took my clothes off at the same time. There was no conversation and in no time we were kissing and right into it.

"He opened a box of condoms and took one out and put one on. I was lying on the bed naked but then he wanted me to stand up. I was facing him.

"We were kissing and fondling each other for a minute or so, then he turned me around, bent me over and had sex with me.

"I thought to myself, 'Ralph, you are a bit of a kinky boy' - but I was loving it."

Lisa and Fiennes had sex twice more that evening.

Before they fell asleep, she said the actor told her: "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to kick you out in the morning.

"I've got a lot of calls to make and things to do." I understood but I was disappointed.

Lisa was woken at 7am by Fiennes making phone calls. "He turned around and began kissing and cuddling me," she said. "Then got up and went over to his bag and took out a new box of condoms.

"He came back and stood by the bed and said in an English actor voice, 'Shall I *f..k* you now?' I said, 'OK then, if you must', in a jokey English lady accent.

"He complained that Australian condoms were too small. I told him, 'That's why I don't go out with Aussie men'.

"We made love for about 20 minutes and both climaxed. It was excellent.

"Then he said, 'I'm going to have to kick you out now'. It was my cue to go.

"I didn't even have a shower. I just went into the bathroom, tied my hair back and put my flip flops on. He was still in bed as I came back and sat on the side of the bed.

"He said, 'See you on the next Qantas flight'. I said, 'You will never fly Qantas again'. He replied, 'Oh Yes I will'. He walked me to the door and kissed me and said, 'Goodbye, Darling'.

"I was going to be in Mumbai for another two days, so I hoped he would have had time to see me again - or even a phone call. But when he didn't call, I realised he was never going to call."

Lisa, who lives alone with her dog in Sydney suburb, added sadly: "He is a millionaire film star, and I'm just a £13-an-hour air hostess.

"I wasn't under any illusions that this would be the start of any romance - I knew it would be just about sex. But I thought we could keep a friendship.

"The more time that passes and the more I think about the whole thing, the more I feel I have been used."
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
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