Stewardess + Poolparty Geschichten

Hier kommt alles rein was nicht in die anderen Kategorien passt.

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 20:40

RalucaV hat geschrieben:aber ich habe eine vermutung was es sein kann.... :-(

Was denn? Tippst Du auch auf Schwangerschaft?
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 21:34

Hier ist DAS Interview: ... 22,00.html

Hostess may be pregnant
Annalise Walliker
February 25, 2007 12:00am

MILE-HIGH air hostess Lisa Robertson admits she could be pregnant to British actor Ralph Fiennes after having sex in a plane toilet while on-duty.

In a paid interview with 60 Minutes aired tonight, the ex-Qantas steward confessed the couple did not use any protection.

Fiennes was flying to India to talk about AIDS and safe sex, the former undercover police officer said she thought the star would panic if it turned out she was pregnant.

"I think he's probably have a nervous breakdown, he's quite sensitive you know.''

The mile-high attendant said she felt abandoned by the star once she told him of the media sensation caused by their tryst, as The English Patient denied it ever happened.

"He kept repeating himself like a parrot, nothing happened, we weren't in the toilet,'' he said.

Robertson told she met Fiennes as he sat in seat 2K on board Qantas flight 123 from Darwin to Mumbai on January 24.

Robertson said she felt an instant attraction to the star of her favourite movie.

"He's just absolutely gorgeous and when I met him in person ... it was just his smile, I melted,'' she said.

After Fiennes followed her to the crew cabin and talking to her during her break, she led him into a toilet cubicle for privacy and to avoid getting caught.

"After we talked for a while about lots of different things and then he just started kissing me, like, really passionately,'' Robertson said.

"I knew that I couldn't control myself.''

Spotted by a colleague as they left the toilet, Robertson was suspended without pay two days later.
Robertson also revealed they had sex at his Mumbai hotel another three times that night and once the following morning, rating him 10 out of 10 as a lover.

"Excellent, very, very passionate, very caring,'' she said.

Robertson said she had no regrets and admitted she would do it again, but was sorry for the trouble it caused her parents.

"They're embarrassed and they're devastated and that's quite hurtful to me because, you know, they've done nothing wrong,'' she said.

Read more of the interview in tomorrow's Herald Sun.

"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 21:35

Und nochmal vom australischen Daily Telegraph: ... 26,00.html

'I felt alone without Fiennes'
By Luke McIlveen
February 26, 2007 12:00

SACKED Qantas flight attendant Lisa Robertson last night revealed she felt abandoned and alone when movie star Ralph Fiennes refused to acknowledge their sexual tryst in the aircraft's toilet.

After discovering she had been seen leaving the toilet by a Qantas colleague and realising her job was on the line, Ms Robertson said she called Fiennes but he refused to help.

"He kept repeating himself like a parrot, 'Nothing happened, we weren't in the toilet.' "

"I felt really alone . . . I just felt abandoned, I felt alone, like I thought I don't know what I'm going to do," she said.

Ms Robertson said she had now accepted that their fling was a one-off and had given up hope of a serious relationship with Fiennes.

"I think he does care, he's very sensitive, but I don't think he cares about me."

She admitted it was wrong to join the actor in the toilet while on duty, but said she would do it all again.

"I mean we both did the wrong thing, you know, what we did was silly and inappropriate, it was very unprofessional for me as a flight attendant . . . (but) I would do it again. I know that I'm wrong . . . (but) I didn't kill anyone, no other customers on the aircraft were disturbed by this, I was on my break."

After being suspended, she knew her career was over and decided to sell her story to UK newspapers.

In a paid interview with 60 Minutes last night, Ms Robertson said she had sex with Fiennes five times – once at 35,000ft and on four more occasions at his Mumbai hotel.

She said she regretted having unprotected sex with Fiennes and the possibility that she might be carrying his baby.

"I think he'd probably have a nervous breakdown," she said.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 25.02.2007, 21:38

yo, hier noch ein ähnlicher artikel.

so langsam hakt bei der doch was :blödsinn: solange nix feststeht, würde ich doch nicht solche "vermutungen" zum besten geben. :roll: man kann nur hoffen, dass ihre schulden bald durch die zeitungshonorare gedeckt sind, sonst fallen ihr bestimmt noch ein paar details mehr ein, die sie exclusiv verkaufen kann.

I could be pregnant, says flight attendant

February 26, 2007

Lisa Robertson's in-flight dalliance with Ralph Fiennes could have left her with more than entry into the mile-high club, she revealed in a paid interview last night.

The former Qantas flight attendant, who had unprotected sex with the actor in the toilet of a jet four weeks ago, told the Nine Network's 60 Minutes there was "a chance" she was pregnant.

When asked: "So I suppose there's a chance that you could be pregnant with Ralph Fiennes's baby," she replied: "Perhaps, yeah, I haven't really thought about that much."

How did she think the actor, whom she rated a "10 out of 10" lover, would react? "I think he'd probably have a nervous breakdown ... he's quite sensitive, you know."

But after she phoned him to tell him of the investigation into their encounter aboard the Mumbai-bound plane, she realised: "I don't think he cares about me."

"He kept repeating himself like a parrot - 'Nothing happened', 'We weren't in the toilet'. And I felt really alone and I didn't know what to say."

The 38-year-old, sacked by the airline after admitting to the in-flight encounter, did not shy away from questions about what went on in the toilet - and four more times in his Mumbai hotel room.

"The practicalities of having sex in a aeroplane toilet, a lot of people are wondering how that's even possible," asked the reporter, Peter Overton.

"Anything's possible," she replied, "... I was just on the sink and then arms, legs everywhere."

Ms Robertson, a former triathlete and undercover police officer, said no one had been hurt by their encounter. "We, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't hurt anyone, no other customers on the aircraft knew about this or were disturbed by this, I was on my break, it was [an] interaction that happened between two people."

But she realises she "did the wrong thing ... it was silly and it was it was inappropriate, it was very unprofessional".

A spokeswoman for the program would not comment on payment for the story.

I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
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Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 21:43

...and the possibility that she might be carrying his baby.

Was denn nun? Ist sie schwanger oder nicht?? Wenn ich den Verdacht hätte ich sei schwanger, würde ich einen Test machen. Hat sie das nicht getan?? Wahrscheinlich will sie nur die Spannung aufrecht erhalten, damit sie etwas länger in der Presse bleiben kann (= mehr Geld rausschlagen kann).

Ms Robertson said she had now accepted that their fling was a one-off and had given up hope of a serious relationship with Fiennes.

Unter welchem Realitätsverlust leidet die denn?? Hat sie echt geglaubt, Ralph wollte eine Beziehung mit ihr??? Ich denke, er hat ihr klar zu verstehen gegeben, dass es für ihn nur ein One night stand war ("I'm going to have to kick you out in the morning").

Wenn sie wirklich schwanger ist...dann ist es so, wie ich von Anfang an vermutet habe. Sie hat alles genau geplant, als sie ihn im Flugzeug erspäht hat, inklusive einer möglichen Schwangerschaft.

BITCH!!! :fluch:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 25.02.2007, 21:53

ich glaube auch, dass das thema nur spannend gehalten werden soll, damit die leser, der entsprechenden zeitungen, das interesse nicht verlieren und weiterhin die zeitungen kaufen. :roll:

wie gehts eigentlich ralph? nimmt der schon herztropfen? ich meine, als ihr anruf kam und er immer dementiert hat, scheint es ihm wohl noch ganz gut gegangen zu sein. dann ging die geschichte an die presse. da bekam er wohl das erste zittern. aber er wird sich wohl gedacht haben, ok dann ist es halt raus. konnte ja keiner ahnen, dass sie noch eine every-detail-story herausbringt. und nun, traut er sich überhaupt noch in die zeitung zu schauen oder seine PR-leute anzurufen? das entwickelt sich wohl zu einer never-ending-story. :roll:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 22:11

Falls sie wirklich schwanger ist, wird er wohl auf einem Vaterschaftstest bestehen. Tja, und wenn er echt der Daddy ist...dann wird er für seine Dummheit wohl 18 Jahre lang zahlen dürfen. So leid er mir tut, aber da kann ich nur sagen: Selbst schuld!

Ein anderer Gedanke...falls sie wirklich ein Fan von ihm ist, wird sie letztes Jahr wohl auch die Ponystory gelesen haben, inklusive deren Vorhaben, ein Loch ins Kondom zu machen, um von ihm schwanger zu werden. Vielleicht hat sie ja deshalb seine Geldbörse durchwü der Hoffnung, ein Kondom zu finden und entsprechend zu "präparieren". Oder sie hat ein benutztes Kondom aus dem Mülleimer gefischt und sich den Samen nachträglich eingeflößt. Sö ähnlich hat das ja wohl bei Anna Ermakova auch funktioniert. :doubt:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 22:17

When asked: "So I suppose there's a chance that you could be pregnant with Ralph Fiennes's baby," she replied: "Perhaps, yeah, I haven't really thought about that much."


Nein, darüber hat sie natürlich noch überhaupt nicht nachgedacht. :doubt:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 25.02.2007, 22:24

und wenn das samenraub-kind pech hat, wird es auch wie anna ermakova rumgereicht und muss alberne "exclusive"-interviews geben bzw. shakespeare zitieren. solch einen ausverkauf traue ich der bankrotten kiwi-servicekraft zu!
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 25.02.2007, 22:26

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben:und wenn das samenraub-kind pech hat, wird es auch wie anna ermakova rumgereicht und muss alberne "exclusive"-interviews geben bzw. shakespeare zitieren. solch einen ausverkauf traue ich der bankrotten kiwi-servicekraft zu!

Ja, das arme Kind.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 05.03.2007, 15:21

gibts schon was neues? keine weiteren interviews oder tv-auftritte? wurde sie schon beim kauf von babykleidung gesichtet? schade, so schnell ist der "ruhm" vorbei. :badgrin:
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 05.03.2007, 21:01

Hab' noch nix neues gehört. Scheint, als ob ihr "15 min of fame" vorbei ist. Die ärmste. :badgrin:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon Ophelia » 06.03.2007, 17:32

Ralph Fiennes neuester Skandal
6. März 2007

Ralph Fiennes kann es nicht lassen. Nach dem luftigen Zwischenfall vor rund einem Monat, vergnügte sich der Schauspieler nackt in einem Hotel-Swimmingpool mit vier Damen. Mancher Hotelgast fühlte sich dadurch gestört.

Wegen Dreharbeiten zu seiner neuen Komödie "In Bruges" hält sich der britische Schauspieler derzeit im Hotel Tuilerieen in Bruges auf. Nachdem sich mehrere Gäste bei Hotelmanagerin Patricia Homble beschwert haben, wies ihn diese zurecht. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur "WENN" berichtet, waren Fiennes Co-Stars Colin Farrell und Brendan Gleeson nicht an dem nassen Wasserspaß beteiligt.
Chris' Zimmermädchen
Chris' Zimmermädchen
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Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 06.03.2007, 19:54

Der original Sun Artikel spricht von mehreren Schauspielern. Scheint so 'ne Art castmember party gewesen zu sein,,2-2007100560,00.html

Fiennes goes on the pool

March 06, 2007


RANDY Ralph Fiennes has sparked a second storm by frolicking naked at 5am with FOUR young women in a hotel pool.

The actor, 44 — already under fire for a recent romp with a stewardess in an airliner loo — woke guests who complained.

He stripped off and jumped in with other actors and the local girls in their 20s after drinking in the bar at the posh Hotel Tuilerieen in Bruges in Belgium.

One guest said: “There was a lot of screaming, shouting and loud music.”

Manageress Patricia Homble said: “I wasn’t happy about it.”

A spokesman for Fiennes, who is filming comedy In Bruges in the city, refused to comment.

Seine Sprecher sind im Moment arg beansprucht...auch wenn es nur darum geht, nichts zu sagen... :badgrin:
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon RalucaV » 06.03.2007, 20:47

er ist unglaublich :lol: :lol: :lol:

ich sag nur: he's running wild!

es heisst, er braucht uns, wer kommt mit mir ihm zu retten?
I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your main connection to the switchboard of the souls...
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